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Money withdrawal

A function that we’ve developed for our partners, so they can withdraw their earned bonus through Ipoteka.Center.

May 2020 — Aug 2020

UI/UX Design | User research | Prototyping
Information architecture | Usability testing

Money ready Details on verification


At the launch of the Ipoteka.Center, partners received money only through third-party service Solar Staff. They also couldn’t see the current balance until the processor approves all the deals by the end of the month.

Considering these limitations and other problems that appeared while working with Solar Staff, the business decided to make the money withdrawal process directly through Ipoteka.Center.

The first iteration of this process wasn’t successful. Users had the opportunity to receive their money only on certain dates of the month. Also, there were a lot of other UX drawbacks.

As a result, we’ve redesigned the entire money withdrawal process to fix these problems. And after a couple of months of developing IA, prototyping and user testings we’ve presented to users new money withdrawal flow. The final flow eliminated negative feedback to support centre and tickets for this topic.

Old version of design and new


The first iteration was complex. The money withdrawal process was held using the table, where each row was responsible for the particular amount of money that is ready for receiving.

Personal profile with held payments
PErsonal profile details verifications
Documents uploading popup
Payment details

Table with held payments and document uploading popup

Old flow

At the beginning of the month, accounting calculated this amount and allowed to withdraw it. Then the partner has a window from 5th to 15th when he has to do several actions: enter or approve details, upload documents, and close depths from previous months if needed. The order of these actions is determined by his legal state (LTD / Individual entrepreneur, Self-employed, or an individual).

If the partner doesn’t meet the deadlines, his payment was held until next month.

Old flow


We got rid of the strict deadlines for providing details and documents and allowed partners to withdraw money whenever they want. The only restrictions left were that the accounting department transfers money in the first half of the month and that partners can’t withdraw money for the month that hasn’t ended.

New flow money ready for receiving
No money for receiving
Providing details and verifying
Uploading documnets and done

User research

We’ve realised that most of the users couldn’t meet the deadlines, their debts accumulated, and they couldn’t close it in the next months. Moreover, some users prefer not to withdraw money for a couple of months.

We’ve decided to conduct user research to unveil the main problems of the existing money withdrawal process. To identify these problems, we used different types of research methods:

  • Watching users session recordings;

  • Interviews with stakeholders and partners;

  • Collecting feedback from the messages to the support centre.

Main problems of old flow

Information Architecture

The money withdrawal process is quite difficult and mostly depends on the legal state of the partner and a lot of other factors that needed to be considered. Teaming up with a business analyst, I started from building an information architecture to find a way to keep in mind all the wishes of the accounting team and to maintain all the existing functions.

Main challenges of the new flow were to fix current UX problems and bridge the gap between business needs and users needs.


We conducted a lot of negotiations with the finance team, to come to the most user-friendly process, made several trade-offs, and as a result, developed an entirely new flow that combined the solution of user problems and took into account the maximum wishes of the accounting team.

I’ve created the first iteration of the design based on a new flow, which needed to be tested on users.

New flow

Prototype testings

Firstly, I built a Sketch prototype of a new flow and tested it with five users to validate the main hypotheses before moving to development. We asked our users to complete several tasks and monitored the process of their completion.

After user testings, we’ve found a couple of other mistakes, that we had to finalise, especially new texts and handed new design to development.

Prototype screens

Prototype of the flow for self-employed


As a result, this project helped us to make an important step towards finding the right balance between a user-centred, data-informed, and business-focused approach at the same time. According to the qualitative data, users passed the flow without problems and successfully received their money when they wanted. The quantitative data shows us that the negative feedback to the support centre eliminated by 80%.